

Thursday, 15 May 2014

A punishment for woman not covering their aurah.

Our prophet; with sobbing conditions described how he witnessed the most terrible punishment of women during the Isra' Mikraj(Night Journey and Ascension) to Ali, Fatimah , may Allah
     1 . Female hair hung his head and brain bubbling due to not cover the hair of men and not muhrim.
   2 . Female suspended his tongue , his tongue made ​​the 70- Zira ' ( feet ) then tied behind his neck , his hands tied to the back and molten tin is poured into the throat, as a result of using its mouth ( the words ) to insult and offend her husband .
     3 . Woman suspended by her breasts from behind the butt while water is poured into molten rubber from zakum wood throat are women who breastfeed other children without the consent of her husband .
     4 . Woman with hell's scissors cutting her own belly because he introduced himself to strangers and make-up and float to other men see her beauty .
     5 . Female suspended while his feet and hands tied to him by the forelock , given to snakes and scorpions ; because it can not do but pray and leave his house without his permission .
     6 . Women who ate his own flesh and lit the fire underneath ; caused not want to bathe a after menstruation and childbirth.
     7 . Female black face and eat his intestines ( bowels ) yourself. because it likes to float for a man not her husband and love membicakan shame and curse people.
     8 . Woman deaf ears and blind eyes , placed in boxes made ​​of fire , blood and brains out of the nostrils, body odor due to skin diseases, leprosy and leprous ; is he able to do as a result of prayer and fasting. But he did not want to perform ablution and pray and do not want to shower mandatory.
     9 . Woman like a pig head , his body like mules ( donkey ) and have all kinds of misery ; because he likes to lie and antagonisms between others.
     10. Woman who looked like a dog , while the scorpion and snake in the mouth , genitals and anus . Angels beat him with a fire funnel ; because she likes to slander and angry and hate her husband .
     11 . Much of hell are women because they disobeyed her husband and rejecting compassion and they often feel unhappy and not enough even though her ​​husband has a lot to do good to him .
The Prophet said: "I saw the fire , I had never seen it like this today , because there is a terrible scene in which I see most of the fire was a woman."
The Prophet asked, why so Allah ? Prophet said: "The woman and rejecting her husband and rejecting his compassion If you make good on him as much as he was not satisfied and pretty . " ( Narrated by Bukhari )

A Hadith of Abu Hurairah r.a. that the Prophet said in a hadith: 

"There are two people who will be inhabitant of hell. I've never seen them that those who have a whip-like tail bull whip used to beat people and the second is the woman who dressed but naked, wiggle-swing when walking, attracting the attention of people who see them. Their heads tilted like a camel hump. They will not go to heaven and could not smell the fragrance. Indeed, inhaling the scent of heaven can travel very long distances. "(Muslim no. 3971) 

In the narration of Imam Malik, there is a connection of the hadith:" ... The fragrance of Paradise can be smelt from a distance of 500 years of travel. "(Al-Muwatta ', no. 1421)

If anything wrong with my word please let me know. 

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